Monday, August 20, 2012

3 Days

Time To Finish Packing

It's about time to finish packing and loading my stuff into the trailer to be ready to head out on Thursday. I am getting excited, but I am also very nervous. I know it is going to be very hard for my mom to let me go, but I'm very glad that she is going up north with me to help me get settled into my dorm. These past few days are meant for spending time with my family and saying my goodbyes. 

Roommate Situation

So far, I have not been reassigned a roommate since Larissa Grundmanis had to begin her college career in the spring instead of this fall, in a couple weeks. I have been checking online to see if one has been placed with me almost every day. No one has yet though. It simply says that I am placed in a two person room, and what my address is for the dorm.


I really love Netflix. My dad has it, so I kind of just use the online portion of it for me. He might think it's weird that he has movies that he "supposedly" had already watched, but really.... It was me. Haha! Anyway, I think Netflix is really going to come in handy up north when I don't want to go out and get a movie, but I just feel like watching one. That's what I usually do now anyway. I can watch movies any time!! I really like the convenience of it all. 

Netflix has a pretty big movie bank. However, I was very sad to find out that they do not have the Titanic!!! What the heck?! That is one of the most popular movies ever, and they don't have it?! That's just crazy to me....... I really wanted to watch it one time too. 

Last Textbook

I received my last textbook today. This last textbook is based on human prehistory. It seems like a wonderful textbook, if you know what I mean. I am so into Anthropology and Archaeology. It all fascinates me! I just can't wait to get started! I do have a feeling though that I will be doing many reports on different aspects of these studies. This last textbook was for the class Prehistory & Archaeology

Little Princes

I finally finished my Summer Reading book, The Little Princes. That book is so wonderful. I cannot believe I had not heard about it before I was assigned to read it for Reading on Inquiry for Michigan Tech! I am very excited, however, that I get to meet the author, Conor Grennan. He seems like such an amazing person for having done what he has for the trafficked children in Nepal. I never really knew much about Nepal to begin with, but I think it is a place that you definitely have to get used to. 

There is even a part at the end where he talks about what happened after the end of the story. He had the children of Little Princes read the book. They really enjoyed their parts in the story. They also asked Conor why he did not put in some stories like the one about him being bitten by a Nepali dog, and how Conor is afraid of the Nepali dogs. These parts just made me laugh. It shows how awesome those kids are.

What makes the book even more interesting is that it is all true. The Next Generation Nepal (NGN) is still around in Nepal! It's just a wonderful thing to know about, to know that the trafficked children have hope in Nepal. No children should be taken from their parents like that in any place in this world of ours. It just isn't right. 

Until I write again, I hope everyone is well.


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