Sunday, September 2, 2012

1 Day

Final Day

Saying goodbye to anyone is hard. I had to say goodbye to a friend that I have had for 17 years today, mind you, I am only 17 years old. It was kind of bittersweet. She is going her own way and attending Ross Medical in Davison. My friends are going their own ways, and so am I.

Houghton is a beautiful place.

Houghton is one of the most beautiful places that I have seen. The entire Upper Peninsula of Michigan is beautiful and so uninhabited.. I would really like to own some land in the Upper Peninsula at one point in my life. Maybe a cabin or something for vacations in the summer. 

This is a photograph of Michigan Tech's Campus in the fall.

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl, sorry I haven't commented on any of your posts I haven't checked your blog in awhile. I love that you are chronicling your college life, it makes me feel like I'm almost there with you. Plus you have an amazing way with words. I look forward to seeing how you fair throughout the year. Love ya, Missy
