Friday, August 17, 2012

6 Days

Facebook Post That I Couldn't Go Without Watching!

This Facebook post was something that I simply could not go without watching when I saw the name of it!

John Oliver Talks About Michigan Tech!

You just have to click on the link and watch the whole video! It's very funny! 

Posts by Michigan Tech Freshmen on the Freshmen 2012 Facebook Page.

I love looking through all of the posts on the Freshmen page because I always find things like these on there:


This picture just cracked me up the first time I saw it because of the Husky-on-husky aspect of it.. I just never thought I would see a Husky *dog* wearing a husky *hat* at any point in my life! 

Just a little blurb about this photo, I think this husky's eyes are so intense!!!! Like he's looking into someone's soul! Haha! 

Joke's on who?

"Honk if you dropped off your DAUGHTER." - Frat Boys. 

Well, I suppose it might be an effective way of finding out how many freshmen girls are on campus?! I don't know. Who would even honk at that?! Do they want their daughter to be prowled upon by guys weird enough to do this in the first place?! 

Anyway, this post was kind of funny to me because the caption that went with the post was asking whether or not we would see stuff like that next weekend during drop off for Freshmen. 

I could definitely see that happening too because of the guy to girl ratio at Michigan Tech being about 1 to 5.

Although, I might have you know that it seems like there are a lot of Freshmen this year that are girls. Even, with an increase in the female population, I'm pretty sure the ratio will not even budge. 


I have noticed that in the past.... EVER... There have not been any comments on any of my posts. I believe I made it so that anyone can comment, but I'm not sure until someone actually comments?! Yeah, thanks. Haha! Anyway, go ahead and comment, and I'll let you know what's going on in the next post.

Talk to you later, Alligators!


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